
Nsw Gambling Tax

There are regulations on pokies in Australia – you can’t place a bet of more than $5, for example, and NSW recently put a 20% cap on new pokie machines in problem gambling areas – but they appear to have little impact. Office of Responsible Gambling Gambling Help NSW Gambling Help 1800 858 858. New Tax To Help Fund Gambling Harm Measures (PDF. A basic economic and financial breakdown of gambling, and New South Wales government revenue from gambling, is presented (pp.16-21) NSW government revenue raising from racing, poker machine playing and lotteries has expanded significantly during this century (pp.21-33) the development of casinos in Australia and in New South Wales is outlined. Gambling tax revenue In 2017-18, the NSW government received $2.3 billion in tax revenue from gambling (in real terms, up from $1.8 billion in 2000-01).26 This represented 7.4% of total State tax revenue and 2.9% of total State revenue.27 4. Problem gambling Many people enjoy gambling. However, for a number of participants it can. (5) If point of consumption tax is payable in relation to a month, the tax is to be paid within 21 days after the end of that month. (6) In this section, qualifying month, in relation to a financial year, for a betting operator, means the first month of the financial year in which the net NSW wagering revenue of the betting operator for the period starting on 1 July in the financial year.

David Leyonhjelm, lead candidate for the Liberal Democrats, today announced he will push to abolish gambling taxes if successful in winning the balance of power at the NSW election.

“Abolishing gambling taxes in NSW would be a $2.7 billion annual tax cut equivalent to $340 per person,” he said.

“Under the Liberal Democrats, you’d no longer be stung by the government when you put a sure bet on Winx at the races, have a cheeky spin on the pokies at your local club or hotel, put it all on black at the casino, or buy a lotto ticket at your local newsagent.

“You could have more bets as well as go home with more money in your pocket.

“The NSW State Government taxes gamblers more than in other States. Nationwide, gambling taxes are $280 per person, whereas they are $340 per person in NSW.

“Our State Governments are addicted to gambling tax revenues. And the NSW Government is the biggest junkie of all. It’s time we made the States go cold turkey.

“For most gamblers, gambling is a leisure activity like any other. Their pastime shouldn’t be taxed more than anyone else’s pastime.

New gambling tax law

“Only a small minority of gamblers suffer such lack of control that they experience excessive losses.

“Gambling taxes don’t even help problem gamblers; they just add to their losses. Problem gamblers don’t see the reduction in potential pay-offs resulting from gambling taxes, and they don’t reduce their gambling as a result of lower potential payoffs.

“Gambling taxes go into the general coffers of State Governments rather than towards problem gambling programs, which account for a tiny fraction of gambling tax collections.”

Nsw gambling tax rate

Nsw Gambling Tax Rate


The Liberal Democrats’ plan to abolish gambling taxes is part of a fully-costed alternative budget, to be publishedlater this month, involving each State delivering budget surpluses and significant cuts to taxes and government spending.

We're responsible for administering, collecting and managing debts of gaming and wagering tax payable in NSW, on behalf of Liquor and Gaming NSW.

Find out more about COVID-19 (coronavirus) and gaming machine tax.

Nsw Gambling Tax Calculator

The taxes applied to gaming and wagering in NSW are based on:

  • what kind of gambling is being offered
  • who's providing the gambling services.

New Gambling Tax Law

Gambling tax rates

TypeDescription Tax applied
Totalizator A system that allows people to bet on outcomes and distributes betting revenue to the winning bets. Percentage of player losses – ie bets placed less payouts.
Fixed odds An operator agrees to pay specified amounts against specified events. Rates vary.
Public lottery A game of chance including a game such as lotteries, keno and soccer football pool. Rates vary.
Point of consumption Payable on all bets made by customers who are located in NSW. 10 per cent of the net NSW wagering revenue that exceeds the financial year threshold

Nsw Gambling Tax Rates


New Gambling Tax Rules

Gambling taxes are regulated under the following legislation.